
Odyssey contracts for GSA OASIS, GSA MAS, Army RS3, Navy SeaPort-NxG, GSA ASTRO, EWAAC, and OMNIBUS IV purchasing vehicles make it easy for current and future customers to obtain our services.


Odyssey is a GSA OASIS Provider - GSA OASIS LogoGSA’s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract that covers complex professional services. Disciplines of the contract include program management, management consulting, engineering, logistics, engineering services, financial services, and scientific services. Odyssey (SAM Unique Entity ID: GUXLUYETMM48) is a leading OASIS small business supplier and currently is qualified and wins work in:

Unrestricted Pool 1

Engineering and Consulting Services

Unrestricted Pool 3

Engineering for Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons

Unrestricted Pool 4

Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)

Small Business Pool 4

Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)

Small Business Pool 5b

Space and Missiles Research & Development

Small Business Pool 6

Aircraft and Aircraft Systems Research & Development

Odyssey OASIS Contact

James Petroskey
GWAC Manager

GSA OASIS+ Small Business

One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) is a suite of governmentwide, multi-award Indefinite Deliver Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements for services-based solutions. Building off the success of OASIS, OASIS+ fulfills federal agencies’ non-IT services requirements, expands access to Best-in-Class non-IT service contracts, encourages competition among services contractors, and maximizes small business participation in the government contracting world. Odyssey is a prime contractor on two OASIS+ Small Business Domains:

Research and Development Services
Intelligence Services

Odyssey GSA OASIS+ Small Business Contact

James Petroskey
GWAC Manager


GSA MAS LogoThe GSA Schedule, also known as Federal Supply Schedule, and Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), is a long-term, government-wide contract with companies that provide access to millions of products and services at fair and reasonable prices. MAS makes buying easy and efficient to connect government buyers and industry.

Odyssey’s MAS covers Professional Services (H) and Scientific Management and Solutions (I). Subcategories include Technical and Engineering Services (Non-IT) (H09), and Testing and Analysis (I06). Services also include applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems under categories: 541330ENG, 541380, 541420, 541715, and OLM.



ASTRO is a multiple award 10-year IDIQ contract vehicle that includes research, development, maintenance, support, and operations services related to manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms and robotics. The primary customer for this contract vehicle is the Department of Defense (DoD) and the program is managed by GSA’s Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM). ASTRO includes 10 pools, each representing a different scope area in support of these platforms. The pools include data operations, mission operations, aviation, ground, space, maritime, development/systems integration, research, support, and training. Odyssey is qualified in the Research Pool and the Support Pool.

Research Pool
All research and development associated with manned, unmanned, optionally manned, and counter UxS systems and platforms for land, air, sea, or space. The NAICS Code for this acquisition is 541715.

Support Pool
All the programmatic services required for successful execution of a product, program, project, or process regarding platforms, robotics, and/or systems for land, air, sea, or space. The NAICS Code for this acquisition is 541990.

NAVAIR Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) Product Support Management Integration (PSMI) Multiple Award Contract (MAC)

NAWCAD LogoThe PSMI MAC Contract for sustainment-focused management services supports customers across NAVAIR. Task Orders under this vehicle will provide Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Sustainment Group (NSG) with program management and logistics support services in acquisition and sustainment for the life cycle of specified weapons systems, System of Systems (SoS), sub-systems, and Support Equipment (SE).

Navy SeaPort-NxG

Seaport NxG iconSeaPort-NxG is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, Military Sealift Command, and the United States Marine Corps compete their service requirements amongst 2400+ SeaPort-NxG IDIQ multiple award contract holders.

The SeaPort-NxG portal provides a standardized, efficient means of soliciting offers from amongst the diverse population of large and small businesses and their approved team members. All task orders are competitively solicited, awarded and managed using the SeaPort-NxG platform.

Since nearly 85% of its contract holders are small businesses, the SeaPort-NxG approach to acquiring services provides opportunity that fuels the nation’s engine of job growth.

Odyssey is qualified in all 22 functional areas across all six geographic zones.

Army RS3

RS3 LogoThe US Army’s Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) is an IDIQ performance-based services contract that provides customized best value solutions to a diverse group of organizations that span the spectrum of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission requirements throughout the world. RS3 has a $37.4B ceiling with a 10-year ordering period (five-year base ordering period and five-year optional ordering period). RS3 primary service areas include but are not limited to Engineering; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Logistics; Acquisition and Strategic Planning; Education and Training Services.

Odyssey is qualified as a Small Business supplier in all five RS3 categories: RDT&E; Logistics; Acquisition and Strategic Planning; Education and Training.


The Eglin Wide Agile Acquisition Contract (EWAAC) supports the Armament Directorate (AFLCMC/EB) at Eglin AFB providing rapid response applicable to all areas and lifecycle phases of weapons development to include weapons concepts, concept development, concept demonstrations, weapons system procurement, production, fielding, operations, and sustainment to quickly meet current and future weapons system requirements. Customers include AFLCMC/EB divisions, SOCOM Det-1, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), and the Air Force Nuclear Warfare Center (AFNWC). The basic contract period will be for two (2) years with option one being for three (3) years and option two being for five (5) years.


DHA LogoThe Defense Health Agency (DHA) OMNIBUS IV IDIQ requirement provides for a broad range of health-related research and development and support services that are separated into different market segments.

Market Segment 2 Research and Development Support Services
Research and Development (R&D) support requirements including scientific, technical, administrative, and medical staffing and professional services, as well as facilities, Information Technology (IT), supplies and equipment, and logistical support.

Market Segment 3 Regulatory Processes
Support for regulations protecting the welfare and rights of human and animals in medical research spanning short and long-term strategic planning, operational direction and guidance, and policy compliance for ongoing medical research from development through transition.