Multi-Level Cross-Domain Security

Rapidly Adaptable Cross-Domain Security for Today’s Dynamic Environments

Specifically developed to address the need for mission flexibility while also maintaining compliance with the National Security Agency’s (NSA) ever-changing requirements, this novel architecture can be deployed quickly and cost-effectively as a new solution or adapted to legacy systems.

RAPID-X scales from simple cross-domain transfers at the tactical edge, to complex multi-level security for enterprise-wide, global operations.

RAPID-X Features:

monitor stand
  • Tailored cross-domain solutions for both enterprise and tactical operations
  • Hardware and guard agnostic
  • Support for low, medium, high, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) networks
  • Bi-directional, high-speed, low-latency transfers for files and streaming data
  • An extensive library of pre-existing data types and rules
  • Rapid support for new data types without the need for National Security Agency (NSA) re-accreditation
  • Compact, 2 and 3-domain tactical kits

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